Monthly Archives: January 2012

Represent METU at the SIAM annual meeting this summer!

A METU student is to present her/his research at the SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10,2012 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Every year only six student chapters from all over the world are invited and this year our chapter has been selected as one of these six.

Our chapter is inviting fellow students to submit their research for consideration to be the representative of our chapter at this meeting.

SIAM = Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. All research in engineering, sciences, economics, management  and other fields that uses applied math is welcome.

A support of at least $1000 will be available for the student that will be selected.

If you satisfy the eligibility requirements indicated below please submit your manuscript to by February 8th, 2012, Wednesday, Midnight.



SIAM will provide $750 to cover travel and accommodation expenses. Additional $250 will be available from our chapter.  We hope to get additional support from our university.


The METU SIAM student chapter is inviting you to apply to

  1. Present your research during Student Days on July 10, 2012, as part of the 2012 SIAM Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Every year only six student chapters from all over the world are invited;
  2. Represent our chapter at the Chapter Meeting with SIAM Leadership.
  3. Have the title of your research included in the April issue of SIAM News in a special insert about the SIAM Annual Meeting.


Any PhD, Masters, or senior undergraduate student may apply. The student has to be a member of the SIAM Student Chapter (any METU student can become a member by contacting the Chapter at If the work to be presented is based on the Masters or PhD thesis of the student, the defense date of the thesis must be after January 1, 2011. If the work to be presented is based on a paper, the first submission date of the paper to any journal must be after January 1, 2011


If you satisfy the eligibility requirements please submit your manuscript to by February 8th, 2012, Wednesday, Midnight.

Websites related to the event

METU SIAM Student Chapter:
SIAM Global website:
SIAM Annual meeting website:
SIAM News:
METU SIAM Student Chapter is sponsored by the Institute of Applied Mathematics and the Department of Mathematics. Institute website:,  Math dept. website:

Our poster for this event is below:


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