Here one can find our competition winner’s presentation at EURO 2013 Conference.

EURO Conferance Presentation

METU SIAM Student Chapter Represenative at EURO-INFORMS 2013

Ali Cem Randa, the winner of our 2nd research competition, successfully presented METU SIAM Student Chapter at Euro-Informs 26th European Conference in Rome, Italy. We congratulate him for his remarkable presentation. A.C.Renda1 A.C.Renda2

Seminar on Stochastic R&D Competition with Lower and Upper Bounds


Speaker: Pelin Gulsah Canbolat

Koç University, Department of Industrial Engineering

Seminar: A Stochastic R&D Competition with Lower and Upper Bounds

Date / Time: 21.5.2013 / 15.30

Place: IAM – S209 (Seminar Room)


Abstract. In this work, we analyze the competition between several firms to complete a project. Each firm decides how much it invests in the project while adhering to firm-specific lower and upper investment bounds. The completion time of the project by a firm has exponential distribution with rate that depends linearly on the investment of the firm. The firm that completes the project first collects all the revenues associated with it and the remaining firms earn nothing. We show that there exists a unique Nash equilibrium and a unique globally optimal solution, in non-degenerate cases. We do this by deriving explicit representations parametric in the interest rate. This enables us to develop a computationally efficient method to solve the problem. We conclude by analyzing the effects of marginal changes in lower and upper bounds.

Joint work with Boaz Golany and Uriel G. Rothblum

Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,

SIAM Honors our Student Chapter

On 30th April 2013, SIAM gave METU SIAM Student Chapter president a certificate for our activities. The president Fatma Yerlikaya Özkurt received her certificate from SIAM members at our University, Director of Institude of Applied Mathematics Prof. Dr. Bülent Karasözen, and Assistant to the Director Prof. Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, and Asst. Prof. Murat Manguoglu.resim1 resim2

We achieved the event “CBRT INFORMATORY MEETING”



On 2nd May 2013, we went to Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey for the informatory meeting. We thank to organization committee and the participants. One can follow us and find more photographs of our events in our Facebook page (SIAM STUDENT Chapter).


As activity of SIAM student chapter, we are going to join “TCMB BİLGİLENDİRME TOPLANTISI” (CBRT INFORMATORY MEETING). The meeting will be held on 2nd May 2013 at CBRT Head Office, Conferance Hall.
The general announcement of this event can be reached here and at our facebook page (in Turkish).
In the meeting, there will be given general information about the CBRT, career opportunities and the general monetary policy of the bank. The event includes many activities related with science such as experiments, projects, sightseeing, conversation, competition. All members of our chapter and students are invited. The ones wanting to attend the meeting have to write their names, surnames, student numbers, faculties, departments, classes and telephone numbers to the form at Institute of Applied Mathematics secretary until 30th April, 2013 or connect with Gizem GÜDER.

If you have any questions please contact us at

To see the meeting program at the following link. METU SIAM-Meeting Program

The winner of the 2013 METU SIAM Student Chapter Research Competition is announced

The winner of this year’s 2013 METU SIAM Student Chapter Research Competition is Ali Cem Randa. Cem will be representing our chapter at  Euro-Informs 26th European Conference on Operational Research in Rome, Italy.

Randa, İyigün, Doğru, and Özen’s associated abstract that competed in our competition is titled Heuristic Methods for The Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problem Under The Static-Dynamic Uncertainty Strategy.

We congratulate Cem! Further information about his participation at Euro-Informs 26th European Conference will be announced through this website.

We would like to thank very much all four of our finalists and members: Ali Cem Randa, Çiğdem Renkli, Mohammed Saleh Farham, Yavuz Durdak. We think that their participation in our competition with their very high caliber and interesting research articles has made this event a success.

The abstract and title of the research articles of the winner can be accessed here.

Seminar on Mathematical Models for Earthquake Simulations: Forward and Inverse Model Applications on North Anatolian Fault Zone

Ayşegül ASKAN

Speaker: Aysegül Askan

Middle East Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering an Department of Earthquake Studies

Seminar: Mathematical Models for Earthquake Simulations: Forward and Inverse Model Applications on North Anatolian
Fault Zone

Date / Time: 26.2.2012 / 15.30

Place: IAM – S209 (Seminar Room)


Estimation of ground motions of large earthquakes in urban regions is
essential in terms of reliable seismic hazard estimation, earthquake resistant
building design, and disaster mitigation. In regions of sparse seismic networks,
ground motion simulations are required to assess past and potential ground
motions. In this talk, I will briefly mention some of the existing theoretical
and field methods for the forward and inverse ground motion simulations for
large earthquakes with particular focus on our recent work in the Northwestern
Turkey. I will as well discuss the limitations of these models and possible
remedies for future applications.

Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,

Represent METU at EURO-INFORMS in July 2013, Rome!


  • Present your research during Euro-Informs 26th European Conference on Operational Research in Rome, Italy. It is a conference which has participants from whole of the world. It is not just an international conference, it is joint international conference.
  • Represent SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) & METU in a joint international conference.
  • The fields of researches are sprawled. We invite all students, researchers interested in any branch of Operational Research, Mathematical modeling or economic analysis to participate at the conference and to present their research. All research in engineering, sciences, economics, management and other fields that uses applied math is welcome.
  • Present your research as an abstract at most 1 page or as a paper at most 6 pages.
  • A support of $1000 will be available for the student that will be selected.

If you satisfy the eligibility requirements indicated below please submit your manuscript to by February 22nd, 2013, Friday, Midnight.

  1. Any PhD, Masters, or senior undergraduate student may apply. The student has to be a member of the SIAM Student Chapter (any METU student can become a member by contacting the Chapter at
  2. If the work to be presented is based on the Masters or PhD thesis of the student, the defense date of the thesis must be after January 1, 2012. If the work to be presented is based on a paper, the first submission date of the paper to any journal must be after January 1, 2012

Websites related to the event

METU SIAM Student Chapter:
SIAM Global website:
European Conference on Operational Research:
METU SIAM Student Chapter is sponsored by the Institute of Applied Mathematics and the Department of Mathematics. Institute website: (old website

Seminar on Distribution of Maximum Loss for Fractional Brownian Motion

Mine Çağlar

Speaker: Mine Çağlar

Koç University, Department of Mathematics

Seminar: Distribution of Maximum Loss for Fractional Brownian Motion

Date / Time: 19.2.2012 / 15.30

Place: IAM – S209 (Seminar Room)


The maximum loss is one way of measuring the risk of falling prices. The price of a volatile asset can be modeled using fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H > 1/2. The advantage of modeling with fractional Brownian motion over Markov processes is its capability of exposing the long range dependence in log-returns. We find bounds on the distribution of the maximum loss for fractional Brownian motion with H > 1/2 and derive estimates on its tail probability. Asymptotically, the tail of the distribution of maximum loss over [0, t] behaves like the tail of the marginal distribution at time t.
Joint work with Ceren Vardar, TOBB ETU.

Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,