Event: “ODTÜ’de Bilim Eğlencedir!” (The science is fun at METU)

The first activity of SIAM student chapter joined for this semester is “ODTÜ’de Bilim Eğlencedir!”.  The event will be held on  4th November 2012 at METU.
The general announcement of this event can be reached at http://www.obe.metu.edu.tr/ (in Turkish).
There will be more than 1000 students from around 20 high schools. The event includes many activities related with science such as experiments, projects, sightseeing, conversation, competition.
SIAM and Institute of Applied Mathematics (IAM) have undertaken math-related activities to organize this event.
The activities are “toss the dice experiment” and “crypto experiment”.

All members of our university are invited.

If you have any questions please contact us at metusiam@gmail.com.

To see the poster we have the following link obe_poster


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