Place: U1 Auditorium, Department of Physics
Date, Time: 09 – 10 -11 March 2020, 17:40 – 19:30
Registration form is available here
METU SIAM Student Chapter presents their first Lecture Series for Python to share basic knowledge about Python programming skills for undergraduate and graduate students.
Instructions for Attendance:
- This lecture series is prepared for the participants who do not know or have basic knowledge about Python Programming Language.
- Students are strongly suggested to bring their personal laptops.
- After attendance deadline, students will receive an e-mail about installation of Python and their libraries. Students are encouraged to fulfill those instructions before the lecture series start.
- Students should fill the registration form to attend the classes up to March 04, 2020.
- For any other information, please contact with METU SIAM Student Chapter via siam@metu.edu.tr.
- March 09: Prof. Ömür Uğur
– Basics of Python (Programming and Data Structure)
- March 10: Asst. Özge Tekin
– Jupyter Notebook and Data Visualization (matplotlib, seaborn, ggplot)
- March 11: Asst. Onur Enginar
– Basic Packages for Data Analysis (pandas and scikit-learn)
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